Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Song Lyrics - Wasted Hours

"All those wasted hours we used to know. 
Spent the summer staring out the window. 
The wind, it takes you where it wants to go." 
- Arcade Fire

I refused to be that object. That pathetic plastic bag with no control over its destiny. A bag under the mercy of the winds around it. Powerless and weak. Never moving forwards, always moving in circles. Sucked into chaos ... What wasted hours indeed.

I decided I no longer wanted to be that, the moment I decided to come out to myself and to my close friends and relatives. I wanted to take control of my life. Even if it meant powering against the backwards and self-righteous winds of my society; I now at least have control over my future. I get to live life the way nature intended.

I never regret that decision. And more than anything, I am thankful for all the support I had along the way. Support from people I never expected to accept me as I am. I truly wish strength to everyone living their lives in fear. Wasting hours trying to be something they're not. Wasting hours trying to adapt with the wind, only to find that the wind is what's keeping them lost in the first place. Life is what you make of it.

"Wasted hours that you make new
Turn into, a life that we could live"
- Arcade Fire

1 comment:

  1. It's great to read you and I admire your determination to be honest to yourself. Mabrouk!
