Thursday 17 May 2012

I Found The Cure!

... And I couldn't be happier.

I can finally work, study and live without this enormous heavy weight on my shoulders.

I have lived my entire life fighting it and denying myself the right to be happy. But it can all stop now. Because I found the cure to my illness.

How? Well step one in finding that cure was identifying the disease.

I came across a revelation. I have been fighting the wrong thing here the past two decades. My disease wasn't being gay. Show a baby a picture of two guys kissing and he wouldn't bat an eyelid. Because love is natural. We are social animals that are stimulated by positive social contact in all its forms.

Show that baby the picture 10 years later and he's suddenly disgusted by it. He's been inflicted with the true disease here. Homophobia is the problem. Homophobia that is shoved down our throats from the day we acquire the capacity to hate.

We get fed this crap till  we get to our teens, when our natural homosexual feelings rise to the surface, and we wrongly label those as our illness.

I finally got rid of my homophobia. I am now cured, able to continue my life as a normal human being. One that is able to live, love and learn. Can you get rid of yours?

May 17th, International Day Against Homophobia.

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